Move over, Narnia. The journey to Ayda has begun.

I wrote Undecided for all high school kids, even those who are lucky enough to know what their passion is. In my experience, and in my house, and according to research, being undecided is pretty much tantamount to being human. Not many of us are 100% sure of any decision we make—70% is a good bet—but this book tries to untangle the decision-making process. I’m not trying to tell my readers what to do; instead, I’m trying to give them insight into how to make the next step, then introduce them to some of the many, many options available to teens right now, including college and a tremendous variety of other experiences both locally and globally. And yes, for two-thirds of US high school students, the data concludes that the next step is going to be some form of post-secondary education, which is a smart choice. However, this generation of students will go about getting that education in a more varied and interesting way than any generation that preceded it.   Buy a copy here.
